Who we are

What is the Kirk of Holly Springs Presbyterian?
The Kirk of Holly Springs (KoHS) is a new worshipping community for southwestern Wake county, currently meeting at 300 Rogers St in Holly Springs.
We operate as a satellite campus for the Kirk of Kildaire, Presbyterian, in Cary. Additionally, we are partners in ministry with New Hope Presbytery, Holly Springs United Church of Christ, and the 1001 New Worshipping Communities Movement of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
What is our mission?
What does it mean to be a satellite?
As we are all part of the Kirk of Kildaire (KOK), our vision is to align with the KOK in areas that fit the needs of the Holly Springs community. While we reflect the KOK's mission and vision, we provide a mission and vision to serve our part of Wake county. Our worship style is similar though our atmosphere is informal As there is no PCUSA presence in Holly Springs, we believe that we can fill a needed gap in the community. We are looking forward to taking our shared mission and vision to the community of Holly Springs and southwestern Wake county.
How can I find out what is happening with Kirk of Holly Springs?
The KOHS has a bi-weekly newsletter called The Sower. You may download a PDF of recent issues or please contact Chris Daniels at cedaniels@gmail.com to be added to the email distribution list. More questions? Email a member of the Leadership Team listed under “For More Information” elsewhere on this webpage.
Our mission is to offer the inclusive and generous love of Jesus Christ to the area through worship, care, service, evangelism, and mission.

How can I help the Kirk of Holly Springs?
Keep our New Worshiping Committee in prayer!
Join us for Study, Worship, and Fellowship!
Continue to tithe to the Kirk of Kildaire so that all of the Ministry Teams can be supported!
How can I get more information about the Kirk of Holly Springs?
Contact one of the members of the Leadership Team or call the Kirk of Kildaire church office, 919-467-4944.
Leadership Team
Kirk of Kildaire Session Liaison