Sign up for Remind:
The Remind service is used by many educational groups to notify via text service and we’d like to try this for KOHS to make sure we get the word out quickly and to as many people as we can. Instructions to sign up below:
From your phone: text @kohsnc to the number 81010
Inclement Weather update:
We'll provide worship service updates through the below methods in the event extreme weather conditions may make it hazardous for travel. A decision will be made and communication out as soon as possible. Be on the look out!Communication Outlets:
Remind Service: See Communication section for details on sign up
KOHS Facebook Page
KOK/KOHS website (if possible)
Online Donations are possible for the Kirk!: If you’re interested in donating to the Kirk or giving toward your pledge, you may do so online. You’ll be able to create an ID and password to use for giving. Please click here to get started!