Collections and special offerings
Regular Giving
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Pennies for Hunger
A way for children to act on what they learn from Jesus-to help the poor. Offerings support programs providing food to those in need.
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Holly Springs Food Cupboard
KoHS collects non-perishable food weekly throughout the year to help stock the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Donations may be left in the bins outside the church building front door. Food will be collected each Thursday for delivery.
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AmazonSmile Program
a simple way to support KoHS every time you shop, at no cost to the shopper. When shopping with AmazonSmile all the same features of shopping on Amazon are available with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate .05% of the eligible purchases to KoHS. Visit smile.amazon.com to activate AmazonSmile.
Seasonal Giving
March Madness Food Drive Collection
During March, the congregation is encouraged to bring food items to their team box. A team winner based on total weigh is announced at the end of drive with all food donated to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.
Christmas Joy Special Offering
In December, this special offering supports the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, as well as education and leadership development at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Visit here for more information.
One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering
In April, this special offering affords congregations the opportunity to support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. Visit here for more information.
Christmas Toys Collection
KoHS collects toys for children up to 15 years old to be distributed at the Christmas Store located in Apex NC. This program is supported by various churches in the area and is open to needy area families during the Christmas Season.
Peace & Global Witness Special Offering
In October, this special offering supports peacemaking and reconciliation ministries. Visit here for more information.