Programmatic Ministry
Our mission is to offer the generous and inclusive love of Jesus Christ to southwestern Wake county through worship, care, service, evangelism, and mission. We engage in a programmatic ministry of youth work, missions work, worship, connectional events, evangelism, and disciple-building to fulfill that mission. Scroll down to learn more about the ministries of our church.

Our youth ministry provides opportunities beyond the church's Christian Education program for youth to grow in Christian discipleship and faith through learning, fellowship, and service to others.
The Missions Committee of the Kirk of Holly Springs is focused on providing ways for every member of the Church to serve God by serving others. The Committee sponsors and carries out projects and activities that are church-based, local, state, or national in scope.

Through the work of the Connections team, we nurture community within KoHS.
The Kirk of Holly Springs Worship Committee is actively involved in meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation through continuous engagement in the Worship service. We work closely with pastoral leadership to continuously guide our mission that focuses on spiritual growth of all ages. Our
team is actively involved in music ministry and always welcome those who wish to make a joyful noise! We strive to be an inclusive group and welcome anyone who wants to worship God and serve with us as God’s heart, hands and feet in the community and the world.

Marketing and Outreach
The Marketing and Outreach Committee of the Kirk of Holly Springs is charged with developing and overseeing the implementation of a plan of action for reaching out to and
presenting our Church to our local community and for strengthening communication and collaboration with outside partners and stakeholders. The Committee has lead responsibility for planning the grand opening/formal launch of the Kirk of Holly Springs in the first quarter of 2018.
Christian Education
The Christian Education Team develops and provides opportunities for Christian discipleship and spiritual growth for all ages--children, youth, and adults throughout the year.