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04-Apr-2020 | KOHS Update: Easter Celebrations and more!

An update from Pastor Jonathan on upcoming KoHS items to celebrate Easter and connect us during this time. A word from Pastor Jonathan:

May you live into hope each day and know that our hope is in the Lord, Jesus Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. The one who is our health and our salvation. Friends, go in grace and peace, and stay squeaky...(clean, that it is)

Palm Sunday with the Kirk

We'll join once again with our partner church, the Kirk, for Palm Sunday Service, streaming live at 11:00am. Simply go to the Kirk website to view the service or you can join via link here on Sunday morning.

Heather Daniels has sent out an email to our youth and children's families regarding the virtual palm parade. All folk are invited to send in a picture of themselves with greenery to Pastor Stephanie at the Kirk. Here's Heather's note:

Hello Everyone!

I hope this email finds you well. I also hope that each of you are witnessing, daily, God's love in the midst of this chaos because it is certainly here all around us!

THIS SUNDAY is Palm Sunday. We have been invited by Kirk of Kildaire to send pictures of our kiddos with their "palms" for a virtual Palm Parade during the 11am online service. We are encouraged to find any type of greenery to stand in as a palm. We are also invited to place that greenery on our doors or porches so that we can all celebrate this day "together".

Please send your pictures to Pastor Stephanie by tomorrow, Saturday, April 4th ...

Know that each of you and your families are missed and loved. If you have any needs please make sure you're reaching out to us!

With much much love,



Holy Week

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services are being recorded and will be posted to the Kirk YouTube page. To watch those services, you can go to the Kirk website or click the live stream link below.

Maundy Thursday live stream on 09-Apr 9 at 7pm

Good Friday live stream 10-Apr at noon: Join us live here

Pastors Jonathan, Jody, and Stephanie will provide reflections Monday through Wednesday as well.

Also look for opportunities through the Kirk website to join in a prayer vigil--the Great Vigil for Easter on Saturday. We'll also provide links through our website.


Easter Sunday

The Easter service will be pre-recorded and will post at 11:00am on Easter Sunday, but you can still actively engage in watching the service by going to its YouTube channel, accessible through the website. As with previous Sundays, the chat feature will allow you to engage in conversation with each other and pastors on line.

Zoom gathering for KoHS on Easter evening

Through the Connections Team, we're planning for a Zoom gathering of our community on Easter evening. Please stay tuned for more details on this gathering! It will be good to see one another's faces on Easter. I hope you'll plan to attend!


Zoom Gatherings

In the coming days and weeks, we'll take different opportunities to gather via Zoom technology. Please look for opportunities to join in these gatherings so that we can connect with one another and be the Church in a new and unique way.

We hope to offer a Worship service through Zoom on April 26th. Look for more details in the coming weeks!


Devotionals on the Go Box and Food Donation Drop-off at the church

If you happen to be out on your grocery store run, you can stop by the church for Our Daily Bread devotionals or to drop off food donations for the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Devotions have been sanitized as they were placed in the box, placed at the foot of the steps. The donation crate is by the front door.


Giving to the Church

As was mentioned in the video message for today, we are grateful for your continued pledges to the church. Beyond the streaming worship services and pre-recorded messages, the ministry of the church continues. Thank you for your generosity!!

You can give by going to the Kirk website:

Or you can mail in your pledges directly to the Kirk at 200 High Meadow Drive, Cary, 27511. Be sure to put your Giving number on the check or if you have no giving number, simply put KoHS operations.

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