September’s Brown Bag Bring Back item is supplies for our Christian Education programs. Supplies\Wish list items are needed for small group classes and activities. Please see below for items you can donate or consider making a contribution – please mark your payment or check for KoHS Christian Ed. Contact Camille Sherrod camillesherrod@gmail.com or Heather Daniels hcdaniels@gmail.com
Office/Class/Art Supplies 15" paper cutter 2 Newsprint/dry erase stands Post it newsprint paper Copy paper – white and light colors Scissors – kid and adult Glue sticks Sharpies – various sizes and colors Index cards Colored Card stock – various colors Colored pencils sticky notes coloring markers crayons pipe cleaners modeling clay Household Items Q tips Cotton balls painters tape, masking tape drop cloths Storage bins with lids Hospitality Items Plastic tablecloths Plastic cups Paper plates Napkins Utensils Straws Goldfish, animal crackers Fun sized individual packs of Chocolates, Starbursts, etc. Party Supplies/Toys Hula hoops Bubble liquid\wands Glow sticks
Balloons Furniture/Large Items 3 picnic tables with benches small dorm style fridge microwave 2 Walmart Bback folding banquet tables 12 Walmart black folding chairs Other Items Recycled magazines & newspapers Gift cards for Walmart, Target, Little Caesars, Subway, etc. Donations to KoHS Christian Ed